Bethke Internet Utility Servicing
File downloads you will need for the net
None currently available
E-mail services
If you become a member you will be given your own E-mail address and will be given access to very special downloads. To become a member just go to the following Address. Http://
Click the link to the left to E-mail the webmaster of this page. Please E-mail him if you have any questions about Bethke Servicing.
Fun Stuff for your computer
Here is where I will soon post some neat files like games and neat utilities for you to use. Some utilities will only available to those that are members of Bethke servicing, so become a member now for free.
About Bethke servicing and it's founder
Bethke Servicing was started in November of 1998 by a boy of 12. He started this page with a simple Httm editor and a piece of junk computer. His reson for the page was to provide files and services for those that weren't very inclined in the Internet area. After a while he discovered it didn't have to be for just begginers, but for any one that wanted files for there computer and wanted any easy way to contact there friends through e-mail. To this day Jesse still workes alone on his page with the same piece of junk computer, but has slowly grew his page. If you are interested in helping Jesse program his webpage than just e-mail him at the following address: [email protected].